New Mandatory Service Fee Effective on January 1, 2023
At each resort, it is always a pleasure to welcome you and invite you to experience total relaxation in our exceptional facilities. We are honored to be your hosts. All of our staff members, even those you don’t meet face-to-face, are committed to providing the highest quality service to make your stay truly spectacular.
In order to keep providing you with extraordinary service, please be advised that effective January 1, 2023, the mandatory daily service fee for all TAFER Resorts will be as follows:
Daily Service Fee
This will now vary according to unit type, outlined in the chart below.
The daily service fee is assessed when you check-in and you may pay this fee upon checkout. It is shared between all onsite team members except managers and directors. It is a hospitality industry standard in México and has been supported and requested by our local hotel labor unions.
Our resorts take pride in our employees who takes pride in making our resorts your home away from home. We believe each and every one of them deserves the opportunity to be appreciated directly by the members they work so hard for. Thank you for recognizing their efforts, and for being part of our member family.