Social Responsibility Eagle’s Wings Foundation
As a TAFER Residence Club member, you have a unique opportunity to make a difference to the lives of underprivileged children and adults living in the areas that you enjoy when you use your membership in Mexico through the Eagle’s Wings Foundation (EWF).
The Eagle’s Wings Foundation is a non-profit organization based in California that was founded in 1999 by the late Jim McCarthy with the support of Tafer Hotels & Resort’s developer and his partners at the Villa Group.
How to Donate
The overall mission of the Eagle’s Wings Foundation is to “give back” to those communities that have provided so many years of wonderful vacation memories to vacation owners in their “home away from home”. EWF services Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas and Cancun with coordinated fundraising and donation efforts in their respective areas.
The donation on your maintenance fee bill is entirely optional, but please realize how much of a difference your $10 or any amount you wish to give can make to a desperately needy child or person that may live only a few minutes from the beautiful resorts where you vacation

Your time is also welcome and the Eagle’s Wings Foundation is always eager for volunteers who may wish to spend some time during their vacations to help local charities that the foundation supports. Another way you might help is to bring supplies with you when you vacation. School or medical supplies, children’s clothing, shoes, soap and other essential items are greatly appreciated.
Your support of this amazing organization is always appreciated and lets us give back to those less fortunate. Eagle’s Wings Foundation has been recognized many times over the years for its humanitarian efforts – it is a respected and vital organization and you can be proud that your donation is helping to make a real difference!